Sange is a village located in Uvira Territory, South Kivu Province, DRC. In 2010, the population of Sange suffered a tragic event whereby a fuel tanker lost control, rolled over and killed over 300 people. On arriving in Sange, the truck crashed, the fuel began to spill out and the local population decided to come and take the fuel to sell. Unfortunately, the fire erupted and burnt more than 300 people alive, and the other survivors remain disabled to this day.
After this tragedy, on another day, an ill-intentioned soldier sprayed bullets on more than 12 people in Sange. All these tragedies left behind many orphans in the village of Sange, including the repeated wars that had hit the DRC from 1996 to 2006.
After seeing the suffering these children had gone through, we decided to create a nursery and elementary school in Sange to give these children a good education, because we realized that only education could change their lives and give them a better life. We started with more than 150 students and every year we receive more than 350 students.
Since we started, more than 3,200 students have already finished elementary school and had their certificates. Some have gone on to study at secondary schools, and those who couldn’t afford to study at secondary schools have joined vocational training schools, and today they work, support their families and are in charge of the siblings in the family.
In addition to providing free education to these children, we also help students who are ill with free medical care, those who suffer from malnutrition, we treat them and give them food and sometimes we also give food to all the students, especially if we have the means to do so.
We would like to thank Nathan Dietsch who supported this school for the first time and who continues to support this school to this day. Through your support you have put smiles on very many faces, joy, happy life and hope to many orphans and vulnerable children in Sange village. We also thank Stella Darmody who helped us build a multi-purpose hall in Sange. Many thanks to all who have supported the nutrition, microfinance, and other programs in Sange.
We currently have plans to build a medical centre, 6 classrooms and install a community radio station in Sange.
These projects will help vulnerable women, especially widows, orphans, and other vulnerable people to fight poverty and develop their village.